
Eight-player football playoffs to expand

By Gene DeLisio Feb 6, 2025 | 3:09 PM
The WIAA is expanding the eight-player football playoffs to
32 teams, starting next season.  There are now more than 70
eight-player programs in the state, and several teams that
finished 6-2 last season did not earn a post-season berth
because of the lack of playoff spots.  The eight-player
playoffs will now include five levels of competition, with
the state championship game in Wisconsin Rapids on the
Saturday of the 11-player state semi-finals.  The WIAA
enrollment cap remains in place, as only programs with a
average three-year enrollment number of less than 200
students are eligible for the eight-player playoffs.  Owen-
Withee won the WIAA eight-player football championship in


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